Awaken Church KC

Our core values:

The seven foundational pillars set in place to build a healthy community:

All good. It’s all good from beginning to end. We believe that the Father is kind and can not be anything other than good and that everything works for our good.

Whose you are. We know that one encounter changes everything. Jesus is our standard of love. Learning whose you are, you’ll find out who you are.

All people. We believe that people of every race, age, and background are made in God’s image and are meant to be loved.

Keep your honor. We are vocal with our honor. We submit to leadership and are thankful for spiritual authority. We choose joyfully to submit to those God has placed over us and we care for those God has placed under us. 

Even in the dark. There is no place too dark that light can not reach. We are real and raw and use the power of our testimonies for the Glory of God. If He will do it for us, He will do it for you.

Never too much. Generosity is about giving more than what is required. We are a church that is generous with our time, talents, and our treasure. 

Serving Kansas City. The greatest leadership is the service to others. Every leader is a servant first. From the greeting team to the pulpit, everyone serves. Roles are different but they all are important.


Who we are:

Awaken Church is a growing, multi-cultural and generational community established in Kansas City. Founded by Tony Gutierrez, Awaken intends to be authentic, real, and relatable.

Pastor Tony, along with his family and staff, have created a culture that honors Jesus; committed to showing His love to those who are searching for belonging.

Awaken Church KC is a non-denominational church located in Westwood, KS.


Sunday at 10am for worship.

Thursday connect groups.

Our mission:

Awaken Church KC exists to create an atmosphere

where people can encounter the love of God.

Lead Pastor

Antonio Gutierrez is the founder and lead pastor of Awaken Church KC, a new and exciting Christ community being formed in Kansas City that began as a Youth Camp in 2009. In 2021, Pastor T experienced the worst that COVID-19 had to offer, spending 84 days in the hospital, however his testimony of healing is now the foundation of his teaching about the miraculous God we serve.